If Your Wife Only Knew Read online

Page 13

  “You’re right. He didn’t twist my arm.” Alexis stood awkwardly in front of her boss. “But I promise you, it wasn’t intentional. Not deviously done.”

  “How long did you sneak around with him?”

  “Um . . . too long.”

  “What did he tell you about me? He said I was a wife that didn’t meet his needs? That I was terrible in bed? That I didn’t understand him like you did?”

  “He wouldn’t really talk that much about you—”

  Kiara rolled her eyes. “Please. I don’t believe that. And I don’t want to hear it. Why torture myself any further? The damage is done.” She sniffed and couldn’t believe she was having this conversation. “Life goes on. And in case you’re wondering, you still have a job.”

  “I do? Oh, thank you, thank you, Mrs. Eason.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, Alexis. Now, is there anything else you need to say?”

  Alexis wondered if Rashad had told Kiara about Hayley, but knowing him, the answer was a big “hell no.”

  “No, ma’am. I have nothing more to say.”

  Alexis drove around during her lunch hour. Eating was the last thing on her mind. All she could do was ponder what had just happened. God knows she didn’t know what she’d do if she were in Kiara’s shoes. If she was a wife would she stay? Would she go? Never in a million years did Alexis think she’d end up living the life she had. If she could turn back the hands of time, what would have happened if she hadn’t met Rashad, fallen in love with him, a love so deep that it turned her into a woman that she didn’t want to face in the mirror?

  On the day she found out she was having a baby, Alexis wondered if she could pin the pregnancy on another man. But it wasn’t in her heart to do such a thing. She was twenty. Had never married. Yet she was in love with a man who went home to another woman every night.

  When she decided to inform him, Alexis sat on top of Rashad, facing him with her legs clamped around his waist as she grinded on him. Skin touching skin. Moans. Pleasure mixed with pain. He was holding her by her luscious hips lost in the world of forbidden love that took place behind locked doors.

  “Damn, baby, I love how you give it to me,” he said.

  She moaned and tilted her neck back, wanting that good feeling to last forever.

  “I love it too. I-I love you, Rashad.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “And I’m having a baby.”

  He opened one eye and cocked an eyebrow.

  “You’re having a what?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “You sure?”

  “I wouldn’t tell you this if I weren’t.”

  His face looked transfixed, like he was trying to understand.

  “Hey now, that’s dope.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, baby, I’m sure. But you can’t tell anybody.”

  And from that day on, Rashad Eason quietly bought everything Hayley needed. He was all for Glynis watching the child during the week. He committed his weekends to seeing the child. He was worried that her premature birth was his fault. But when Hayley eventually rallied and got stronger and bigger and healthier, he was relieved and on top of the world. He fell more in love with Hayley and he knew her existence would kill Kiara. But Rashad’s heart couldn’t give up his child, not after he’d already held her and bonded with the precious being. His love had to protect her. She was his everything. So he would do all he could financially to care for Hayley, but no, Kiara would never have to know about her. And he trusted Alexis enough to know she wouldn’t tell, either. He encouraged her to find employment elsewhere, and she applied for other positions, but nothing ever came through. So she remained in Kiara’s department and tried to play it cool. She continued to fuck her boss’s husband and tried not to let it all bother her. But in the back of Alexis’s mind, she always wondered what would happen if Kiara ever found out.

  During the lunch hour, Alexis tried to gather her strength. Although she previously thought she wanted her boss to know about the affair, now that it was out in the open, Alexis didn’t feel any better. But she decided to try to act like everything was okay. She didn’t want to make a bigger mess of things by constantly harping on the affair.

  Later on, Alexis knocked on Kiara’s door and carried in two big boxes.

  “These came earlier for you. I’m just now remembering to bring them.”

  Kiara stared at Alexis. Although she wanted to claw out her eyeballs, Kiara had a reputation to think about. She was a well-known woman at the university and she couldn’t jeopardize everything she’d established by unleashing violence on her subordinate.

  She had to play things out smarter.

  Kiara opened up one box. It was from Nordstrom. She removed its contents and stared at the two stunning strapless maxi dresses she’d ordered online.

  “Wow, aren’t these pretty?”

  “T-they are gorgeous,” Alexis said.

  “They’re supposed to be for our anniversary cruise. Happy fucking anniversary to me,” Kiara sang as she held up one dress to inspect it.

  Alexis didn’t say a word. She quietly slipped away from the office. But Kiara didn’t notice.

  A pair of brown leather sandals were also in the package. Pricey and chic. She tried them on and they fit perfectly.

  “This sure brightens up my day,” she said and glanced around, only to realize she was talking to herself.

  Embarrassed, she put down the shoes and ripped open the other Nordstrom delivery. This box looked exactly like the other one. When she tore back the shipping bubble wrap, she noticed that the same two maxi dresses and pair of shoes were inside the box. The dresses were exactly like the ones she ordered, but the shoes were white leather.

  “What the hell? Why did they send me two sets? They better not have charged me for this expensive stuff.” When Kiara reviewed the order slip, she realized that someone had made a mistake. She got two shipments for the price of one.

  “Hallelujah. What a blessing.”

  When her conscience whispered it would be deceitful to keep the extra items, she shrugged it off.

  “God is good all the time. Even when someone else fucks up.”

  A few days later, Rashad stopped by TSWU to see his wife. Kiara had been giving him the cold shoulder at home ever since she let him know that she’d had a conversation with Alexis. He tried to assure her that it was a one-time thing. She shot back, “It better be.” Now he wanted to smooth things over with Kiara by showing her that he could be a good husband.

  And he knew he’d have to be more careful. When he passed by Alexis’s desk, they discreetly acknowledged each other. Alexis knew the deal. Previously, when he came by the office, she pretended like she didn’t know him. But she really had to play her position now.

  Kiara was in her office in the middle of a conversation with Nicole when Rashad interrupted them.

  “Hi, babe,” she sweetly replied to her husband, not wanting Nicole to know her personal business.

  “I was in the area. What’s going on? You ate already?”

  “Yep. I’m good.”

  As he stood there making small talk, Kiara knew he was trying to gauge her attitude. Of course, he wanted her to be forgiving. And Kiara was so happy that Rashad couldn’t read her mind.

  He is a sonofabitch that was willing to jeopardize our marriage over pussy. Kiara felt robbed. Why should he have all the fun while she just stood around and accepted it?

  She didn’t want Rashad to make a fool out of her. She wanted to make a fool out of him. And she could do it a number of ways.

  Kiara decided she had no reason to feel guilty about Eddison anymore. She was ready to let him make a move on her any way he pleased. But first she had to handle Rashad. He must pay for his betrayal.

  She glanced at her husband, then stared at Nicole.

  “Rashad, can you do me a big favor and set up an appointment to go see Nicole’s place this weekend? She really needs some help and I told her how y
ou’re talented and efficient and wouldn’t mind helping her.”

  Her question caught him off guard. “Are you serious? Um, these days I’m really swamped.”

  “But you’d be more than happy to squeeze in your wife’s colleague who’d really appreciate your help, right?”

  Nicole grimaced as if she didn’t enjoy being the topic of their conversation.

  “I-I um—”

  “You were saying?” Kiara asked. “Nicole, look for Rashad to contact you soon so he may assess the work needed and give you an estimate.”

  In the back of Kiara’s mind, she wondered if Rashad would make any moves on Nicole. Kiara sized up her employee and figured right away that Nicole wasn’t on her level. She couldn’t imagine him being attracted to a woman like her. But even if he flirted, it would prove that cheating was in him and that Alexis wasn’t just a one-time fling.

  At the end of the week, Kiara met with Eddison in his office. She decided she’d hear him out and be as professional as possible.

  “Thanks for taking time out of your schedule for this important cause.”

  Eddison placed a packet of papers in her hand. “Meet Collette and Gherman. They’re sophomores. English majors. They’re both from inner city families. First-generation college students.”

  He proceeded to tell her how the students got themselves in trouble that included an alleged sex tape, a video uploading that went viral, and accusations of the invasion of some college roommate’s privacy.

  Kiara felt instantly concerned.

  “Some kids are immature and don’t think before they do certain things,” Kiara remarked. “And these pranks they pull just amaze me. It never should have gotten this far.”

  “I agree. Collette and Gherman received a dozen death threats. Of course, they’re both black, which has a lot of the black student body really riled up. They feel Collette and Gherman are not being treated fairly, so racial tensions are high. Anywhere, here’s where you come in.”

  Eddison leaned in and outlined to Kiara a course of action the kids could take so that they’d be reinstated, a pending lawsuit could be dropped, and the negative publicity the school received could be alleviated.

  “Now that those two are out of the way, what are we going to do about us two?” Eddison asked.

  They were totally alone. He had a corner office on the fourth floor of his building. They could look out of the window and see a cluster of oak trees and people walking across the campus.

  Eddison stood up and went to close the door. Then he whispered, “Come here.”

  He looked so good. His locs were freshly moisturized and he smelled like sandalwood.

  She got up and followed. He walked into a lavatory that was only accessible through his office. It was a private bathroom. There were no windows. Once Kiara was inside, he shut the door. It was now completely dark. The room only had a toilet and a tiny sink and a small counter. Their noses were practically touching as they stood face-to-face. She could hear him breathing.

  “This feels naughty,” Kiara whispered.

  “Not as naughty as this.” His arms clasped about her. He pulled Kiara into his arms. They instantly started kissing.

  “Oh, Eddison.” She trembled. She hugged him back, then rubbed her fingers through his hair. It felt like Eddison was hers and she loved that feeling. Being close to him and sensing his body heat only made Kiara hotter. He felt around for her blouse. Soon his fingers were struggling to undo the buttons.

  She helped him. His lips were on her breasts. She lifted them up so he could suck them.

  She felt herself getting wet. She could imagine all the people walking past the building they were in, going to and from class, while she was hidden away with a man that she liked, getting her freak on.

  Before she could think about it, Kiara unzipped Eddison’s pants. He didn’t stop her. She grabbed his penis. It was rock hard. She knelt on her knees and took him in her mouth.

  “Oh, my fucking God.”

  She got him off, and hearing him moan turned her on. She grabbed his hand and pushed it toward her panties.

  “Pull them to the side for me.”

  Then she heard a light knock on the door.

  “Mr. Osborne?”

  Kiara started to yelp, but Eddison’s hands covered her mouth.

  The knock grew louder. “Are you in there?”

  He quietly reached back and locked the door of the lavatory.

  “I’m using the restroom. Can you come back later?” It was the department office assistant. She was a clueless young lady who wasn’t bothered by closed doors.

  “Okay, I just needed a signature for an invoice that needs to be paid. And I brought you your mail, too.”

  “I’ll sign it. Leave it there. Thanks.”

  Once it was completely quiet, Kiara could breathe evenly again. It was so dark she was glad Eddison couldn’t see her face. But even if he could, he’d know for sure that Kiara was happy that she was with him. And she couldn’t wait until they did it again.

  Chapter 8

  Nicole Greene couldn’t believe it. She took a long look around her house and wanted to pinch herself.

  I did it. I escaped Alabama. I’m in Texas. Life begins again.

  It was the first Saturday in June and Nicole woke up early. She hummed as she unloaded the last of the boxes that she’d packed up when she relocated. A do rag was tied around her head. She wore no makeup and her feet were bare. She placed water glasses, casserole dishes, and pots and pans in the cheap wooden cupboards.

  When her cell phone rang suddenly, her heart beat wildly. She picked up the phone and didn’t recognize the number.

  She saw that the caller left a voice mail, but when she listened to it, she just heard breathing, normal breathing, but no words.

  Somewhat alarmed, Nicole decided to block the number from ever calling her again. She couldn’t take any chances.

  All in all, things were looking up. She had a job at a good school and she was eager to start her life over. And that day she patiently waited for Rashad Eason to show up. Her house didn’t look or feel like a home just yet and she was praying that with his help, she’d one day feel totally safe and satisfied with her brand-new surroundings.

  Hours later, Rashad and Nicole were seated at her spindly wooden dinette set which she had bought at a flea market.

  “Sorry about the wobbly legs.”

  “No need to apologize. I know the struggle.”

  She grabbed a notepad and a pen.

  “I want this, this, and this done. I can only pay with installments. Is that all right?”

  “Don’t even sweat it. I’ve done my assessment and I can do the job in four months or maybe a little longer. It just depends how fast I can get in the supplies.”

  “That’ll work. I’m so excited. I signed a two-year lease and I want to see a place of beauty while I live here.”

  “I’m the right person for the job. Now what time do you get off every day?”

  “At five.”

  “You should ask my wife if you can report to work at seven, take a half-hour lunch, and leave at three-thirty a few days a week. That way I can meet you at your spot at four and do a few hours’ worth of work in the evening.”

  “You think she’ll be okay with that?”

  “I think so. She’s the one who suggested I work with you.”

  “She must really trust you.”

  “What you mean by that?”

  Nicole didn’t respond. She pushed her glasses up her nose, and offered him bottled water.

  Her refrigerator door was covered with colorful magnets from all over the country: Florida, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New Orleans.

  Rashad asked Nicole, “You like to travel?”

  “M-my ex used to travel a lot. He brought these back to me.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “I-I have no idea. I-I—”

  “Hey, my bad. Just making conversation.”

“Well, make the conversation. Don’t let the conversation make you.”

  The sassy tone of her voice stirred him. From then on, Rashad observed Nicole through different eyes. She wasn’t much to look at, but her spunky presence intrigued him.

  The more time he spent in her house, the more relaxed he felt. He started working there right away. As they agreed, when it was time for Rashad to start the project, he’d give her a day’s notice and she’d make sure to leave work at three-thirty the next day. Sometimes she cooked while Rashad worked. Nicole felt very comfortable tossing and dicing vegetables in a Crock-Pot while she watched Rashad do his thing. And she could tell that Rashad was a hard worker. His crew consisted of two other men who’d help out. Other times he came alone.

  “You’re a genius,” Nicole told Rashad. Temperatures were sizzling outside. She wore a halter top that showed off her bare upper arms and shoulders, both of which were lined with henna body art. She hung around in the kitchen and admired the way he was doing prep work to refinish the cupboards. “Men who work with their hands are like so smart and talented to me. You have a gift. And Ms. Kiara wasn’t exaggerating. You are good at what you do.”

  Rashad blushed. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

  “And you’re modest.”

  He’d been called a lot of things, but “modest” wasn’t one of them.

  When Nicole would cook, she was too bashful to ask Rashad if he wanted something to eat. But as she became more comfortable with him, she felt adventurous. She stirred the food in the pot and asked Rashad if he wanted a taste.

  He nodded. She dipped the spoon and filled it. He opened his mouth and she gently pushed the food inside until it disappeared.

  “Mmm, it’s good.” He smacked his lips. “What the hell is it?”

  “Just a little something I threw together. I created my own special seasonings but it’s a secret. You like it? It tastes good?”

  “Some things look better than they taste, and some things taste better than they look.”

  They locked eyes. Nicole changed the conversation.